Jars of Fit Broth
Warm, comforting and deeply nutritious. The proteins, minerals and vitamins in Bone Broth are uniquely absorbed by the body. Fit Broth is specifically crafted to ensure your body will remain in a metabolically "fasted" state. Taken at bedtime or while fasting, your muscles are fed protein and your body will be flooded with healing vitamins, minerals and compounds, digestion remains at rest.
Fit Broth is created from organic free range chicken bones & slow brewed for
24 hrs to extract all of the vitamins, minerals, protein the body needs to thrive.
Fit Broth is sold in 4 jar bundles @ $13.50/jar; 4, 8 or by the case/12 jars
All our products are sold FROZEN in 1 Litre glass mason jars.
Fit Broth products are delivered FROZEN and should be kept FROZEN until use. After opening, Fit Broth should be kept refrigerated and used within 6 days. Keeps well in the freezer for 6 months.
$54/4 jar bundle
Fit Broth Nutrition Information:
Fit Broth is made from simple, organic whole food ingredients: organic free range chicken bones, spring water, organic apple cider vinegar and unrefined mineral salt, which creates an electrolyte balance of sodium : potassium : magnesium
Always keep Fit Broth frozen until you’re ready to use it.
As a supplement, use approximately 1-2 jars per week. Each week, take a fresh jar from your freezer and keep it in the fridge. Fit Broth should be heated in a saucepan or glass kettle and not the microwave to avoid uneven heating. Keeps thawed in the fridge for 2 weeks if the seal is still intact. Once opened, please use within 6 days.